A robot in a flooded world, charting maps of new islands.

Still early prototype :)

Here's the official discord:


SPACE - Pause / instructions

A|D - Left/Right

W|S - Pull sail out/in

LMB - Chart on map

RMB - Erase on map

MMB - Sketch on map

(To play as it's actually intended in the future)

P - Toggle off player on map

RMP while looking at a pillars - chart line on map to find yourself

Q - Clean map (including island outline)

C - check accuracy (0 = perfect accuracy)

R - restart

X - Stop boat for testing

V - Reprint islands outline


More Color in sail = More speed.

As long as your panel is not blinking red, you can travel in that direction. 

Keep an eye on the info-panel on your boat. 

Updated 3 days ago
Published 9 days ago
StatusIn development
Tagscartography, Sailing, Unity

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